Obituary of Lucien Minsu Kim Walhain
(Français ci-dessous)
With his usual gentleness, Lucien Walhain passed away at home, surrounded by his family, on Monday, January 27, 2025 at the age of 15.
His family always knew he was an old soul, wise beyond his years. Those who knew him will remember his impish joy, his enthusiasm for life, his kindness, and his courage and endurance. He was, to quote some who loved him, a “joyful warrior,” “magic,” “the best kid I ever knew” and “the reason I’m not still in 5th grade.” Had he lived, he would have conquered the world with joy and love. He had an indomitable spirit that was determined to find the joy hidden in any hardship. To the end, he blessed us with his radiant smile.
Lucien was born in Fredericton to parents Luc Walhain and Taeyon Kim. He leaves behind his brothers, Rémi and Tristan Walhain; paternal grandparents, Paul and Mireille Walhain and maternal grandmother, Jinhee Kim; uncle, Philippe Walhain (Germaine Moné); aunts, Taeryn Kim (Frej Tulin) and Marie Kupper (Pierre); as well as his many cousins. Lucien was predeceased by his grandfather, Chol Whoe Kim, and godmother, Élise Kupper.
A memorial gathering will be held in The Great Hall at George Martin Hall, St. Thomas University Campus, on Sunday, February 2, 2025, from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Lucien’s memory may be made to the Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation, the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, Hospice Fredericton or to your local public library.
C'est avec douceur et un sourire coquin que notre petit Lucien a tiré sa révérence ce lundi 27 janvier 2025. Né à Fredericton, il avait 15 ans.
Lorsque sa maladie a placé de gros écueils sur son chemin, son naturel radieux a continué de nous inspirer et de charmer les gens qui l’ont rencontré. Les épithètes souvent évoqués étaient : courageux, curieux, doux, espiègle, gentil, gourmand, heureux, optimiste, sage, souriant et tendre – dans l’ordre alphabétique.
Notre cœur déborde de tout l'amour qu'il nous a donné.
Luc Walhain et Taeyon Kim, ses parents
Rémi et Tristan Walhain, ses frangins
Paul et Mireille Walhain et Jinhee Kim, ses grands-parents
Philippe Walhain (Germaine Moné), Taeryn Kim (Frej Tulin) et Marie Kupper (Pierre), ses oncles et tantes
De nombreux cousins et cousines
Chol Whoe Kim, feu son grand-père
Élise Kupper, feu sa mawaine
Rejoignez-nous pour un dernier adieu à Lucien ce dimanche 2 février à 14h-17h dans le Great Hall du George Martin Hall à l’université de Saint-Thomas.
Plutôt que des fleurs, Lucien aurait souhaité que des dons soient faits en son nom au Centre de réadaptation Stan Cassidy, à la Fondation pour la protection des sites naturels du Nouveau-Brunswick, à Hospice Fredericton ou à votre bibliothèque publique.