Tribute Wall
Dr. Lee Stickles' Memorial Service
2:00 pm
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
St. Paul's United Church
224 York St
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
(506) 458-1183
Live Stream Link
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Jane Macaulay posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
My deepest sympathy and condolences for your huge loss. I didn't find out about this until today and I'm very sad and heartbroken.
I knew him since I was 10 weeks old, and my older brother was 1 of his 1st patients. He also treated my daughter in the mid 90s- 2003 or so. I used to call him Dr. Pickles when I was very young.
The man loved all children with a passion. I told him in the early 2000s that he was 1 level under God to me, and meant every word of it. Needless to say, he was uncomfortable with that, and I can't remember his reply.
He was so far ahead of his time too. He diagnosed me with (severe) ADHD, and put me on Ritalin at 4 yrs old. He was NEVER quick to medicate a child, but I was a wild child, to say the least...lol
He was beyond phenomenal.
Emile Paras posted a condolence
Monday, March 11, 2024
Although we practiced in different cities, Saint John and Fredericton, I looked up to Dr. Stickles as a role model.
Sadly I just found out about his death.
My belated condolences.
Linda Bell-Uvilluk posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Worked alongside Dr Lee and Mary during the 80s and 90s. Dr Lee was a quiet, very smart man and could solve any medical problem with children.Excellent , kind and smart, he cared for many and was loved by staff and parents. Praying for comfort at this time for Mary and their children.
Philip Mcfarlane posted a condolence
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Lee was one of the most wonderful physicians I ever knew, and a most kind and ethical person. They don’t come any better. A life very well lived.
Phil Mcfarlane
Sara and Leslie Cockburn posted a condolence
Friday, August 5, 2022
Dr. Stickles was a wonderful doctor and role model. Our deepest respect and condolences to his family.
M. Anne Mitton posted a condolence
Friday, August 5, 2022
"The life and passion of a person leave an imprint on a place."
John O'Donohue
And so it is with Dr. Lee Stickles. He lived in rhythm with his beliefs of total commitment to his family, his profession and to his community. Lee Stickles wove talent and wisdom into every aspect of being a doctor. He was a consummate professional and a model of compassion for others. He opened frontiers in medicine and explored its possibilities.
Dr. Stickles sheltered the fragile and the vulnerable of this world. As a life long learner, he brought light to the complexities of life and medicine. His spirit will reside in the hearts of all who knew him.
My condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
M. Anne Mitton
Anne posted a condolence
Thursday, August 4, 2022
I remember Dr. Stickles as a kind and empathetic professional with great wit and pragmatism. He was a wonderful person and will be missed.
John Landau posted a condolence
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Dr. Stickles was my pediatrician in childhood, and I have nothing but fond memories of him from that time. I eventually ended up becoming a physician myself, and my early exposure to him as a positive physician role model undoubtedly played a part in this. He will be greatly missed.
Laura Roy posted a condolence
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Dr. Stickles was a fabulous paediatrician he was my doctor up until I was 18 years old. He identified that I was very ill as an infant and got me on the right track to find the care that I needed at the IWK - I loved going to our our long appointments either twice a year or yearly. Extremely special person to my family and I.
Carmen Murphy-Cicin posted a condolence
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Lee Stickles was a wonderful doctor and we will be truly diminished by his loss. He and my late mother, Myrtle Brown Murphy grew up together and remained life long friends
He looked after both of our children and we have great memories of him
Our sympathies in your loss
Rick Cicin, Carmen Murphy-Cicin, Daniel Cicin and Lauren Cicin
Peter Fraser posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
I was very saddened to learn of Lee’s death but had been aware of his deteriorating health through mutual friends. When I first consulted him as a newly-minted physician in 1971, he was kind and patient and full of helpful advice but was always willing to take over the more complicated cases requiring his hands on expertise. He was a true gentleman, a scholar, and an inquisitive mentor and role model to me and several generations of young doctors. When I became involved in medical affairs at the national level, he was one of the Fredericton physicians that colleagues across Canada asked about and I came to appreciate the esteem others held for him. His patients loved him and I recall asking patients in their forties in the ER who their family doctor was and “Dr. Stickles” was not an unusual answer. My condolences to his family, patients and colleagues at their loss of this remarkable man.
Susan Gunter Irwin posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
My sister and I were patients of Dr. Stickles. Although that was decades ago, I have the fondest memories of doctor's appointments throughout my childhood. I remember his waiting room fish tank - what a lovely thing for children to watch and contemplate while they waited. I remember how gentle - but pragmatic - he was as a physician. I never felt afraid or shy to visit - instead lucky to have such a competent doctor... a specialist in children's medicine. As an adult, I know how privileged we were, as young New Brunswickers, to have Dr. Stickles in our lives. I remember realizing that graduating from high school likely meant the end of our doctor-patient relationship, but he reassured me cheerfully that it meant no such thing! In reality, I moved away and only saw him again out and about in Fredericton. I am sure countless children had similar positive experiences with Dr. Stickles, which would stand them in good stead to be good health advocates for themselves as adults. I hope his family knows how much his dedication to children meant for all of us. My sincerest condolences to you. Love, Susan Gunter
Myrna E GunterbF8RQ posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
I will be sending you more messages about what a wonderful person Lee Stickles was.
I am from Plaster Rock and our family was close to the Stickles Family.
I have had many experiences with Dr. Stickles as a doctor to my children and during my career as a medical technologist.
My very deepest condolences to you all.
Hope to see some of you at the service today.
Myrna Robertson Gunter
Greg Landau posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
As a former patient, I was very saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Stickles. He did very well to emphasize the “care” aspect of health care, and I always felt that I was in capable hands. A true pillar of the NB medical community, he will be greatly missed.
Lera Beers posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Judy and the Stickles family, we were sorry to hear of the passing of Dr. Stickles. We send our condolences. May the wonderful memories be a special comfort to all of you. He was our boys’ doctor for many years. I believe the cut off was age 12.
Sincerely, Wayne and Lera Beers
Paul Breneol posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Dear family of Dr. Stickles. Our family was saddened to learn of Dr. Stickles passing. I believe all my brothers and sisters were patients of Dr. Stickles growing up and we all have great memories of visiting his office for check ups. I personally remember the fish tank in the waiting room, his wood finished office, which I always thought was very classy, and the photos of his daughters that hung on his office wall. God bless him.
The Breneol family.
Lee Perry posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Mary and family, so sorry to hear of your loss. Being a doctor is not only a difficult task but it is truly a family effort that enabled Lee to devote so much time to his patients. The community is better because of your family and your strength . It was great comfort to Andrew to speak with his uncle when he was going through his cancer illness. He really enjoyed his conversations. Take care of yourselves, love one another and be there for each other. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Lee, Megan and Rachel Perry
Andrea white uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

I was so saddened to hear that Dr. Stickles’ earthly life is over but Heaven has gained an amazing man. The 25 years that Dr. Stickles was my paediatrician is a time in my life that I will never forget. Every time I was in his office, I always asked about Mrs. Stickles and his girls. He would sit there beaming and tell me about his beautiful family. I was 9 months old when I developed diabetes and we cannot fully explain the care he gave me and the guidance he gave my mom . It was a joy to have interviewed Dr. Stickles a few years ago. He sat in his living room with a glow about him as he talked about his years as a paediatrician.
Andrea White
Kelly posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Condolences to the Dr. Stickes family. Our family was so fortunate to have Dr. Stickles as our doctor for both of our daughters now aged 32 & 34. He was so caring and knowledgeable. What a pleasure to have met you. The Phillips family
Amanda Robichaud posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Meeting and getting to know Dr. Stickles has been a privilege and, quite simply, one of my greatest joys since moving to Fredericton fourteen years ago. My deepest condolences to Mary and family. He will be missed greatly, and lovingly remembered.
Laura Iannacci posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Our condolences to the Stickles family during this difficult time. May you find peace in knowing that your husband, father and grandfather led a full life, and take comfort in all the wonderful memories that you’ll cherish forever.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers,
Laura and Sandro Iannacci
Dr. Douglas Margison posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
My condolence to the family on the loss of a wonderful person and physician. I appreciated his always being available to assist me in the care of my patients.
Dr. Douglas Margison
Wendy Hay posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Dr. Stickles was the kindest doctor and good neighbor to me and my family . He saved my younger brother's life by making a house call and transporting him to the hospital himself! They don't make doctors like that anymore, and I am sure there are numerous families with similar stories. I also have fond memories of babysitting his girls and enjoyed the snacks that he and Mary provided. He always walked me home safely when it was late.
My condolences to Mary and the girls.
Wendy Baird Hay
Alexis DeLong posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
My children were not patients of Dr Stickles but many of my friend’s children were and they only had praise for him.
My interaction was as a medical receptionist while he was doing some consulting work and he called the office where I was working and ask my opinion on a patient who was sent to him for behavioural issues.
I told him I was just the receptionist, he said I know, but what was your take on this child?
Having children that were adults , I said, my own had moments that were probably as bad whenever they got a negative response from me. He said my thoughts exactly, thank you.
His kindness and concern for his patients will be remembered forever. He will be missed in this community for by many reasons
My condolences to his family and friends.
A. DeLong
Robbi Daley posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Sending my deepest condolences for your loss. Judy, I loved hearing stories about your dad while I was at UMaine. Since that time, I have heard so many people in the community speak so highly of Dr. Stickles. He sounded like an incredible person. I am keeping you, and your family in my thoughts during this difficult time. Sincerely, Robbi Daley
Ruth Fulton posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
My sincere condolences on the loss of Dr Stickles. He was an exemplary man and served the medical community well. I had a family member who took her daughter to him and she praised his work and kindness. His home community spoke very well of him.
I Ruth ( Ward) Fulton. Plaster Rock, NB
Sean Rogers posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
Conversations with Lee were always rich, humorous and ultimately focused on family. He was a great uncle (literally) and our three boys thought of him fondly as “Uncle Lee”, never missing an opportunity to visit when we returned home to Fredericton. We will miss him dearly. Sean, Shannon, Jackson, Scotty and Will Rogers
Tim McCullough posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
I want to express my deepest and heartfelt condolences to Mary, Marilee, Judy, and families. As a best friend of son in law John White, I feel very fortunate to have got to know Dr. Stickles on a more personal level through the annual family gatherings in P.E.I. An incredibly gracious man, he always made me feel welcome and comfortable when included in the various fun activities planned for the family. He will be missed. Sincerely, Tim McCullough
Margaret Munn posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
Dr Stickles was our daughter’s Pediatrician, she never left his office but he didn’t give her a hug! He always told her she was very special. He diagnosed our son, Jeremy with asthma at seven months. He was a well loved Doctor. He went with Angela Dawn to see Dr J McKay, downstairs, she was 16 when they told her she could not have children. Dr Stickles cried with her that day. Angela lived in England and became pregnant at the age of 37. She was very sick and had to leave her job at the Canadian Embassy, but Emma was born, November 2008. We talked at the time about contacting Dr Stickles but sadly we never did. He was beyond a phenomenal person and exceptionally humble.
Don Khoury posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
I have such fond memories of Dr. Stickles. As many have said, he was so very kind and caring to his patients and me personally. I remember having more than one conversation with high school friends about how beloved he was. My sincere condolences.
Kathy LeBlanc posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
Sending along my sympathies to you Mary and family. I had the pleasure of working in pediatrics at the DECH and at the medical clinic and Dr Stickles was always an approachable physician. I think he was a truly dedicated and amazing doctor who followed his patients even after they became adults.
Mary I also admired you as a maternity nurse. Thinking of you and your family. God bless!
Kathy LeBlanc(Foreman)
Marie Embleton posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
Our sincere condolences to Mary, Judy, Marilee and families at this difficult time. Lee was a special person in so many ways and especially loved his family ,a wonderful paediatrician and friend to so many of us.
Sincerely, Terry ,Marie, Scott and Jason Embleton
Shiela Watson White posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
Dr, Stickles became our children's doctor in 1981 when we moved to Fn. We were grieved to read of his death for we thought he would go on forever. The world is a poorer place without him but a better, much better, place than when he entered it and all our lives. Our sincerest condolences to Mrs. Stickles and all of his family of whom he was very proud.. Our son was diagnosed with kidney disease and we came to rely on his skills and his humour and his compassion . Our son went on to become a doctor of some note because he listened and watched Dr. Stickles and learned so much from him. He followed the example of Dr. Stickles, it would seem, from some of the many descriptions of his manner and knowledge after his death at age 50. He was a good friend and mentor to our son and in turn to our daughter.. His compassion was unsurpassed. Dr. Stickles' death comes very close to the anniversary of our son's death which somehow seemed appropriate. First you must listen to your patient and his family. and then you must consider carefully the best course of action. All the children who grew up to be doctors remember the lessons well. He was such a kind man, and had such a sense of humour that helped both the children and their parents. When we moved from Fn., I could not bear to phone Dr. Stickles to say goodbye, but he had been searching for our family to check on our son and keep himself abreast of another patient's welfare. However, I phoned him once we were settled and he was a comfort to me as our boy was dying. His relationship with our daughter was not as close but she needed him less but he was always interested in her well being and ours. We are so sad at his death, but realize what a wonderful, meaningful life he had. He told me that one of his girls lived close to us in On.and I notice that one was married to a man with the same name as my husband's. Another little connection. We loved Dr. Stickles, always will, but he has gone to his great reward and I like to think that he and our son have met up and are chatting cases or whatever. With love from the White Family to the Stickles Family. We will miss him too.
Eloise Rowan posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
Mary and family, so sorry to read about Dr.Stickles.
He was such a kind person and a wonderful physician.
Eloise & Fred Rowan
Gail Pilgrim posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
I worked in the Lab at the DECH for 37 years. Dr. Stickles was one of the rare doctors who came to the lab to talk with us. Long after he "retired" I would see him walking down the halls at the hospital. He was highly regarded and much loved.
My deepest sympathies to Mrs. Stickles and family.
Gail Pilgrim
Sydney Grant posted a condolence
Monday, August 1, 2022
The tears fall ... he was a gentleman & a gentle man. As a fellow physician, there was no other his equal. I tried to be like him - kind, soft spoken, always caring, quiet humor, devout in his Faith ... but could never mesure up. Mrs. Stickles, my prayers are for you & your family these days. God be with you.
Robert Pert posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Dr. Stickles was our family doctor and friend.
He saved my life in 1960.
Our sincerest condolences.
--Bob Pert
Randy Dickinson posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Please pass along our sincere condolences to the family of Dr. Lee Stickles. He treated so many children with different disabilities and was so knowledgeable and kind with his patients. Several siblings and myself were treated by him as children and I will never forget him. Dr. Stickles made a huge difference in the quality of life for so many children and their families dealing with different disabilities. Fredericton and New Brunswick was very lucky to have him practise as a doctor here. Rest in peace! Randy Dickinson
Carol Anne Murdoch-Kinch posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
My sincere condolences to the family of Dr. Lee Stickles. He was a wonderful doctor, the perfect pediatrician!-, so kind, gentle, knowledgeable, and always put the best of his little patients and their families first. He was my pediatrician for my whole childhood and adolescence, until I was a young adult. He did my physical for entering dental school ( I was 20 years old), and said it was finally time for me to find another doctor!. I loved seeing the photos of his daughters on his office wall- the same age as me. And how it was so easy to see he loved children and he loved his work! I remember the many times had made house calls to see me as a small child, suffering from tonsillitis and scarlet fever. What a blessing! My mother (a nurse) also said "he was a saint". I was surprised to learn he did some of his training at University of Michigan and Children's Hospital of Michigan ( I have worked at both). I am so grateful that we had Dr. Stickles to take care of us in Fredericton! The family is in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your Dad and husband with us. Carol Anne Murdoch-Kinch
Dale Hanscomb posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
My sincerest condolences to the family of Dr. Stickles on the news of his passing. He was a remarkable man and physician!
My family was fortunate to find him when I was just under two years old and experiencing congenital heart failure. I ended up having three open heart surgeries at two years old and a pacemaker implanted later when I was twenty. I have since had other surgeries but have always been able to lead a normal life - thanks in a great part to the care of Dr. Stickles.
I remember being 20 years old in the CCU at the Chalmers hospital, on Christmas Eve, when the doctors told me that I needed the pacemaker. I didn’t want to believe them until Dr. Stickles stopped by to confirm the diagnosis. He removed any doubt or hesitation of what I needed and I proceeded with the surgery later that day. I knew that he would never steer me wrong!
Dr. Stickles looked after me until I was 23 when I moved to Ontario to build my life. It was funny at times sitting in his waiting room as a 23 year old adult while all of his other patients were children. I was able to have a good life. I built a good career, married, and had a family. I recently retired early at 55 and moved back to the Fredericton area with my family. I have no doubt that my life would have been very different and cut much too short without the many efforts of Dr. Stickles! My mother has always called him a Saint. I continue to carry an equally high opinion of him. I remain very grateful for his many years of care, dedication, and character.
Dale Hanscomb
Ann & Harold Raper posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Dear Mary,
We are holding you in our thoughts and prayers these days. We know you and Lee had a special life together and that you cared for him with love and devotion. This is sent with our sympathy to you and your family.
Love, Ann & Harold
Krista Goodine posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
My deepest condolences to the family. Dr Stickles was my neurologist for years after being diagnosed. I remember as a kid going for appointments and he was one of the nicest men I knew. He was soft spoken and pleasant and talked to me aswell as my parents. Good Bless!!
Dale McLeod posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
We, your friends at the DECH Auxiliary, have you in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. Condolences to all the family.
Dale McLeod posted a condolence
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Thinking of you Mary and the family. Dr. Stickles took excellent care of my two children from day one. They didn't put up a fuss when having to go as he was so kind and gentle with them. They loved the fish tank. Condolences to all.
Jane Russell posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
My condolences to Mary and the entire Stickles family. I cherish my years working with Dr Stickles in the Nursery and NICU…such an amazing human being and knowledgeable doctor. Love, Jane (Brooks) Russell
Jeannette (ne Smith) Verburgh posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
My condolences to Mrs. Stickles and family on the passing of Dr. Stickles. I remember him when I had him as a child. He would ask me what his name was and I would say Dr. Tickles as I couldn't say Dr. Stickles right.
Anna (Wilkins) Olive posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Dear Judy and family, my sincere condolences on the passing of your father. Dr. Stickles was such a kind hearted and amazing doctor and such a wonderful person. Your parents were a truly remarkable team.
Michael Canney posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
My condolences to you all. Dr Stickles helped me into the world 63 years ago. He was a family friend as well. Let’s hope that he and my grandfather are catching some trout on the Tobique.
Ann Rosengren posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
So deeply sorry to learn of the passing of Dr. Stickles. Mary and my mum, Evelyn Craine, worked together for many years on 3NW. She was such a great fan, and friend, of this dynamic duo. Sending my sincere condolences to Mary and family.
Ann (Craine) Rosengren
Doug MacDonald posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
I was a patient of Dr Stickles as a young child with asthma and the care he provided to me was exceptional. A very caring person who was such a support for myself and my family. My deepest condolences to the family
cheryl.mclaughlin posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
so sorry to hear of dr stickles passing .i worked on childrens ward many years ago . one cannot say enough positive accolates to such a kind caring wonderful man and doctor. after leaving paediatrics i often ran into him and we would discuss our families. he was so proud of his girls and grandchildren and his love of his wife mary was so evident...you will be so missed dr stickles.
Margaret Field And Bill Field. posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
So Sorry to hear Your Sad News.Dr. Stickles sure was a wonderful Man.Our Deepest Sympathy Is Extended To The Family At This Sad Time.
Margaret & Bill Field.
Graeme Young posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
So sorry to hear of the passing of this very dear man. Dr Stckles had a wonderfully long life and amazing career as a physician and teacher of so many up coming physicians. He touched so many families in Fredericton and surrounding areas, and always was in a shirt and tie, the true gentleman of medicine that he was!! I will miss his fatherly advise, and always clinically accurate guidance. I was lucky to consider him a friend, clinical teacher and mentor in so many ways. I am so thankful for Lee’s long life , and wish caring condolences to his family on their tremendous loss.
Most sincerely, Dr Graeme Young
Lorraine & Eugene MacLeod posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
We are so sorry to learn of Doctor Stickles passing. He was the most kind and gentle doctor that we could ever have had, and we felt so lucky to have had him for our 2 girls. He was like "family" to us! I am sure God has a special place for him in heaven, as he was so special. I would often see him at Craft shows and he would always ask about our girls, who were adults at that time. I would see him out Christmas shopping and he told me how much he loved Christmas shopping and finding just the perfect gifts for his wife and family. I remember it, because I don't recall too many men who love Christmas shopping! He loved his family and I am sure he will be missed. You have our deepest sympathy at this difficult time.
Lorraine & Eugene MacLeod
Joan Sabean posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Forever thankful and grateful to Dr Stickles for being instrumental in saving my son Randy Dutcher ‘s life when he was 11 years old from a very serious streptococcal infection. Dr Stickles was amazed and always had a happy smile when greeting Randy as an adult. Well deserved Dr Lee.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Mary and family. Dr Stickles will be sorely missed. Love, Joan (Dutcher ) Sabean
Denise King posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
To Judy and all of you family:
Dr. Stickles was an extraordinary physician and such a lovely person. He was so proud of his children and grandchildren. I know you will all miss him. He leaves behind an incredible legacy for his family, many patients and colleagues.
In sympathy ,
Denise King.
Faye Humble posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
So sorry to hear of Dr. Stickles passing. He was an awesome Dr. to my four children. He was such a kind, gentle man. He was also a cousin of my mother Laura (Stickles) Davidson.
Michael Eagles posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
To Mary and family,
Please accept my most sincere condolences. Dr.
Stickles was a wonderful man and support for our family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Sincerely, Mike
Gerry-Ellen Hunter posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
I met This amazing Man when my Daughter was 2 months old, she was 12 weeks early amd was a sick little lady when I took her to the DECH . He said to me ..while holding my hand to comfort me... I really don't know what is wrong , however we're going to do some tests, if in 3 days this place doesn't have an answer she's going to Halifax. On the third day he came to see me amd said ..we believe we may know what it is but we need 1 more day. My Daughter had got whooping cough ..he said to me just a couple of days before she came home...I didn't think your little girl was going to make it when I first saw her she sure is a fighter... the day I brought her hime the nurse said ..oh the Dr. Will be sad tonight but happy for you...I said ..oh..why..she said he came every evening and fed her and rocked her..she was his "favorite" patient.
We had to go see him at his office...my Daughter didn't like the smell be ause it smelled like the hospital..she would cry as soon as we got there...the Nurse would say have a seat he'll see you soon...I'll let him know your here, he would come out to the waiting area and pick her up ..she would stop crying from the sound of his voice ..and he'd take her with him to see his other patients then come get me when it was our turn.
The last visit to his office he gave her a kiss on her cheek and hsaid..I'm really going to miss you for sure..but so glad your going to be ok.
He was the kindest man ..I will never forget him.
My daughter is now 32 years old.
My deepest Symapthy to all his Family and Friends
Anita Pike posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
He was the dr who diagnosed my daughter. Very nice person.
Leah Legacey posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Sincere condolences to the family and friends. I believe Dr. Stickles was the doctor fir Leisha Knowles Goodine ND her sister Lorrie. These girls lived many more years past what they were supposed because of Dr. STICKLES. I Met Dr. Stickles in 2016 when he called me because he wanted a book I had written about Vincent Shields my grandfather who played for a short time for the St. Louis Cardinals. It was a pleasure to meet this amazing man. We enjoyed an afternoon chat where he told me about seeing my grandfather pitch his famous Submarine Putch. Again sincere sympathies to the family. God Bless!
Gary Beatty posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Dr. Stickles was first my Pediatrician, later my teacher and mentor, and then my colleague. He excelled in every one of those roles.
His ability to just listen, take some time to consider (sometimes quite a bit of time!j, and then act was one of the most important lessons that he passed on to those of us lucky enough to have him as our mentor.
My condolences to the family of this wonderful man.
I’m sure glad Lee Stickles was part of my life.
Mary Jarratt posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
I had the privilege of being both a patient of Dr. Stickles while growing up, then as a colleague for many years. His knowledge base and gentle approach to children was an inspiration to me, and I am sure, to many other physicians.
Beth Stymiest posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Deepest condolences to the family. Dr. Stickles was our family’s paediatrician and displayed so much care and concern for our well-being growing up. I remember him making house calls when we were too sick for our parents to bring us to the clinic. He promised my mother that he would look after us until we were married, a promise he kept. What a wonderful man and doctor! You will miss him but I am sure the stories you are hearing will fill your hearts during this difficult time. ❤️
Tracey (Johnston)Sisson posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Dr. Stickles was my daughter's pediatrician due a bit in the 90's on a couple of his travelling clinics to Perth. I was taking my RNA at the time. We had great conversations about nursing and the health care profession. He was an inspiration to many and well loved by all. Those conversations with him helped me to continue in my career as a nurse. I've quoted those conversations many times over my career. My condolences to the family.
Theresa Everett posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Dr.Stickles was a very wonderful doctor and had great patience with his young patience. My condolences to his Wife and Family he was a wonderful man.
Daniel Porter posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Dr.Stickles was a friend to everyone, when in his care you would feel that you were the only patient he had concern with, always present, he was compassionate and kind. Our sincere condolences to the family, we hope you find greater peace during this time knowing that Dr. Stickles impact in life was immense and he was loved by so many.
Terry O’Neill posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
My sincere condolences to Mary and the family of this wonderful Paediatrician and man. I had the privilege of working on Paediatrics for my first years as an RN where I would learn how to really listen to patients and families. ( including me as he cared for my own children) Dr. Stickles believed in the value of doing that. I learned so much from him and I admired him tremendously. He lived a long life and was very loved but what a loss.
My favourite quote from Dr. Stickles that I still hear in my head, “ Never say never and never say always”.
Terry O’Neill
Bruce Hatfield posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
His commitment to his patients, his profession and his community was unsurpassed . He richly deserved all the accolades he received during his career and after his retirement. My sincere condolences to his family.
Laurie Oakes posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Our Deepest Condolences to Mary & Family...What a wonderful Man & Doctor he was to many children.. As well Mary was a lovely nurse to our Son, Cameron for many years... Dr. Stickles will be missed by many!!! Billy, Laurie & Cameron Oakes..
Mary, Robert and Gregory posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Mary and family, we want too express our condolences to all of you on the passing of Dr. Stickles. Mary cared for our youngest when he was in the NICU in early 1991. A few years later.Dr. Stickles helped us get him a proper diagnosis and treatment for learning differences. As the children and grandchildren off this amazing couple you have every reason to be proud of the legacy of your parents. May you feel God's presence and comfort as you travel this part of life's journey.
Mary (Coburn), Bob, and Greg Somerville
Janice Brown posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Sincere Condolences, thoughts and prayers, Dr Stickles was my pediatrician growing up also my late husband's always kind and caring, Thinking of the Family during this difficult time. Sincerely
Janice (Moore) Brown
Joyce Richard posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Sending condolences to the family. Dr.Stickles was my pediatrician for all three of my children. He was an excellent and very caring doctor. May he RIP.
Natashia Riemer posted a condolence
Friday, July 29, 2022
Dr.Stickles was my pediatrician for my many years such a wonderful man, who I adored. Sending my condolences to all his family and friends.
The family of Dr. Lee Edward Stickles uploaded a photo
Friday, July 29, 2022

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The family of Dr. Lee Edward Stickles uploaded a photo
Friday, July 29, 2022

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160 York St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 3N7
Ph: 506-458-9170
E-mail: McAdams@McAdamsFH.com