Tribute Wall

Shirley I. Munn posted a condolence
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Ann and ALL Members of Your Family -
With deepest sadness, I am sending this message to you and all members of the OLDHAM AND LIMERICK fFAMILIES.
Before Covid times, each Sunday I would meet up with you and Gil at the 8:00 AM Communion Service at our Church, Christ Church (Parish) Church and ALWAYS had the pleasure of chatting with both you and Gil - one Sunday he mentioned to me that I was sitting in the seat that Ian (my Father) always sat in (the Usher seat) when he attended the early service without Mum - which I had not known and, needless to say it became MY comfort seat with the connection to my beloved Father - thanks to Gil - always a gentleman with his thoughtful and friendly manner. - this world would truly be a much better place if there were more people like Gil in it- May you all find comfort in knowing countless others share in the loss you bear -and I for one fully realize the tremendous void this loss creates in your Family Circle. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and yours. Anne. - Most sincerely sent. Shirley (Saunders) Munn.
cathy & pete posted a condolence
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Dear Ann and Family
We are so sorry to hear of Gil’s passing.
We are grateful to have met Gil and Ann in Texas where we spent many winters as their neighbours. Gil was friendly, kind, a true gentleman and an interesting conversationalist. We remember fondly all the Happy Hours we enjoyed and the Christmas Eve’s that Ann and Gil hosted and made everyone welcome.
We also have wonderful memories of our trips to the East Coast. A great host, he was always ready to take us for scenic drives through New Brunswick. Our best lobster dinners were shared with Ann and Gil.
We know you will miss Gil greatly and we hope your fond memories of him will bring you comfort.
Cathy & Pete Birdsey, Ontario
Shiela Watson White posted a condolence
Friday, August 11, 2023
Dear Ann and Family,
Our sincerest condolences on the death of Gilbert. We did not know Gilbert well but what we knew was a kind, funny, good man. I, in particular, remember your wedding 62 years ago and what fine memories they are. The Limericks and the Watsons were connected for many years. I hope you will take time to grieve, Ann. God will be a comfort to you and be a presence in your life at this sad time.
With love and God's Blessings and Care for you all,
Shiela Watson White and John White
Anne and Doug Johnson posted a condolence
Thursday, August 10, 2023
To Ann and all of Gil’s extended family,
A fine gentleman is gone. … Gil Oldham… known by many in New Brunswick and beyond…It is a sad day and we extend our sympathy to you Ann and all the family. I recall our many years working together at DOat where Gil helped me on many occasions.Gil’s work made New Brunswick safer and his work helped improve economic opportunity for our industry. That is a fact.
We had good times together at Policy parties and those at your cottage were fun indeed.
May your memories of great times with Gil comfort you now and in the future.
Anne and Doug Johnson
Edith Rankin posted a condolence
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Ann and Family: My sincere condolence to you all on the passing of Gilbert. Trust your wonderful memories will sustain you in the days to come. Edith Rankin.
Linda Jacob posted a condolence
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Oldham family,
I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. Please accept my deepest condolences. My thoughts are with you in this time of sorrow.
Linda Jacob (Pam’s aunt)
Jim and Dar posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Dar and I would like to pass our condolences to Ann and the entire family in this very difficult times. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Fran Good posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Ann and Family, so very sorry to read of Gil’s passing. Please accept our thoughts and prayers at this time. You and your family have so many wonderful memories of him. Cherish them at this time. Hugs. Fran and Jim Good
Barry Marr posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Geri and I would like to pass on our condolences to the entire family on the passing of Mr Oldham. We never actually knew him personally but heard many great things about him from Bob, and he sounded like a wonderful gentlemen and a great Dad and husband.
Our sincerest sympathy to you at this difficult time.
Barry and Geri-Lynn Marr
Gail Kimm posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Ann, so sorry to hear Gil has passed.
He was such a joker, and I guess that is how I remember him.
My sincere condolences to you and family.
Paul & Kay Furlong posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Ann, we are so very sorry to hear of the passing Gilbert. We grew up in the same area of South Devon.
My parents were friends with his parents for many years also.
Most sincere condolences to you and your family.
April's Cell M posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. My condolences.
The family of Gilbert Adrian Oldham uploaded a photo
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

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160 York St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 3N7
Ph: 506-458-9170
E-mail: McAdams@McAdamsFH.com